Tuesday, 12 March 2019

(AKA Tiw's Day)

22:23 EDT
     I wonder whether I may have just stumbled over the answer to the problem of ancient stone-cutting.

     But now you're saying, "Wait ... what? They didn't have electriticy!"
     I know this sounds far-fetched, but it's beginning to look more and more like they did. The evidence of power-tools in ancient Egypt is beginning to become undeniable.
     And then there are those strange scallop marks and 'nubs' on the stones practically everywhere we look.
16:06 EDT
     If you're not following Supicous0bservers yet, you need to start. This talk of the CIA's Adam & Eve story ... it's legitimate. Don't believe me? Go to the CIA web-site and download it yourself. I first heard about it about 45 years ago. I wondered then why that information wasn't made public. I was told that it was a matter of ... drum-roll please ... national security! How many times have we heard that lame excuse? Well, just as I predicted, as Q alluded, things like this are finally being released to the public. Well, almost. We still don't have all of this document. And we still don't have all the information about the Kennedy assassination. But I'm confident we'll have it soon. That's another prediction you can hold me to. But I'm batting a thousand so far.

15:14 EDT
     Have I ever told you about Jack Cashill? You WANT to read one of his articles a week.

14:20 EDT
     WHOA! Actual arrests! You always suspected, and now you know. I always knew. After all, my screaming-psycho-SJW sister-in-law won a scholarship to Harvard. What scholarship was that? The screaming-psycho-SJW woman scholarship, of course.

     More voter fraud, along with more rationalization. How many does this make now?

12:37 EDT
     I'm one of those who gets into a lot of arguments on the web, especially when someone attacks the church. I'll spare you those conversations, but I thought you might find this one interesting.

He: "Hi I was wandering if anyone can help me understand something...How do satellites maintain their orbit in the electric universe model of reality? Any help would be most appreciated. Many thanks in advance."

Me: "It appears that all satellites are electrically connected to the bodies they orbit. And those bodies, too, are electrically connected to the bodies they orbit. It's like a family tree. (Hmmm...) And there is an electrical give-and-take going on between them all. On Jupiter, for example, we can see the connection to Io (I think) in the aurora on Jupiter. A hot-spot moves around the aurora with Io as the charge flows from Jupiter, through Io, and back into Jupiter's other pole. This current moves Io through Jupiter's magnetic field much like an electric motor.

"On the other hand, it also appears that this charge transfer also manifests in earthquakes on the orbiting body when its ability to absorb is exceeded, and volcanoes, when the incoming charge subsides, allowing the orbiting body to discharge, maintaining the balance. Surface electrical storms will happen in both cases.

"Electricity also combines with a sphere's mass to create its gravity. The more mass a sphere contains, the more charge it can hold. The difference between its charge and its local environment creates the electrostatic attraction we perceive as gravity. Were the earth to move to a less positively charged environment, its gravity would decrease. This may explain the age of giantism which ended as the earth approached its current sun, and that sun's strongly positive environment.

"By the way, you may want to read the Book of Enoch: He addresses this (planets maintaining their orbits) in his way, and it's a very interesting way."
12:14 EDT
This was a response to a question posed by another member of a science facebook page I frequent. I thought you all might find it interesting.

He: "Hi all me again lol sorry to keep asking questions! I need to think about something! Can someone please discribe this positive and negative energy that exists in the universe and how it operates! Is it magnetic or is magnetism restricted to solid forms! Im wondering what holds everything in place in the universe i dont know if this reason is magnetic or something else but would like to know please exuse my blindness to it all but i mean no harm!"

Me: "This is bound to happen here, given the nature of the subject, but too many are too uncomfortable with where it leads. Ironically, most of what is believed by those here is based on sacred writings. You would think that we'd heed the fact that, for the ancients, religion and science were indistinguishable. And for good reason.

"First, I want to be clear, that this is my opinion. The facts on which it rests are known to all. The remainder is what I've gleaned from years of study, but can not be hung on any one sentence, chapter, or book. It's what I've deduced and/or induced from hundreds of assertions and allusions, such as Planck's position that atoms are the result of vibration, and that they would not exist at all except for that vibration.

"So here it is.

"Einstein was almost right. To his credit, even he knew he was wrong. How ironic is it that a man named Einstein (one stone) would spend the rest of his life looking for the unified field? And, let's face it, the Higg's boson may be the God particle, but the unified field would be God.

"So where was Einstein wrong?


"Einstein asserted that time was the 4th dimension, in fact that time ought to be the 1st dimension, because, without time, there could be no talk of height, width, or depth. And he's not wrong there, but he is confused. And he stopped at time. He left something out. Or took it for granted.

"What's missing?

"That God particle. Mass. He took it for granted, and never thought to explain it.

"So, this is how the universe is organized.

"There are only three dimensions, but they are Infinity, Eternity, and Authority, or rather, as we know them, Space, Time, and Mass.

"Space, as we here all know, is not empty. It is full. We call it the aether. Some call it spirit. It is the propagator of light, the true nature of space, and the fundamental building block of all matter. Nothing that we think of as existing can exist without it. It is the very reason for all the confusion between waves and particles.

"Time is the overarching principle which governs the other two. Nothing can happen without sequence, and a sequence is not possible without time, and time can not exist without eternity. Sounds weird. Sounds mystic. But pretty much all religion is based on this interplay between time and eternity. Thus eternity is the father of time, and is believed to be personified by Cronus, Chronos, Saturn, Helios, Kolob, and Adam.

"But aether can not be formed into matter/mass on its own. It requires authority, power, an organizing push, what some call God almighty. This constitutes the difference between what some call the father of lights (Eternity) and the father of heaven and earth and all THINGS that in them are (Authority).

"That organizing drive (might be magnetism, or a precursor to magnetism), the authority, the intelligence behind all matter and mass is personified by some as Jupiter, Zeus, the king (because of the creative power) of the gods, and Jehovah. This power the ultimate source of all light. The driving power is conveyed as light (above our current means to detect) (but not for much longer) through the aether, which bends to that light, and is shaped by it, ultimately into standing waves which appear to be matter, and to have mass.

"This apparent mass is the resistance, the drag the light exerts on the aether to sustain the standing waves whenever another force acts on it.

"But that's just me."
12:11 EDT
     The body-count continues to grow, and not just around the Clintons.


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~