Thursday, 21 February 2019

(AKA Thor's Day)

20:22 EST
     I think we'll all be learning a lot about blood in the coming years, and a lot more about our ancestry than we ever suspected, as well.

11:41 EST
     And now this just in from our "You Can't Make This Stuff Up!" department:

11:31 EST
For your consideration.

10:41 EST
     This is how the truth sets you free. We must all become aware of the clever, subtle tactics used to deceive us.

09:48 EST
     UH OH! Could it really be that Mitt Romney is every bit as crooked as Harry Reid? After all, someone has clearly motivated Ann Coulter to swing full-on anti-Trump, and to start stumping for Mitt, and just in time for the 2020 elections, too.
     Could it be that Ann got a little too dependent on the income stream from her books? I mean, I loved them, too. I bought them all (on audio) (read by Ann herself, no less), and loved to listen to them. I got a real education from the history she dug up in defense of her very astute points. But I know that I don't listen to her any more. I watch for Q news, and for tweets and speeches from the President himself. And I'm willing to bet I'm not alone in this. So poor Ann must feeling a bit neglected.
     We've seen this happen before. Once they get a taste of the adulation (I mean, there was at least one song written in praise of her) and money, they get addicted to it, and can't bear to see that all evaporate. This is why it is all the more important that John the Baptist never once wavered in his support of Jesus, even as his decline ended in his own death. Hence the commandment to always share the word of God without money or price. God doesn't want any of his own snared in the same trap that appears to have just snared Ann.
     Maybe she should learn from Glenn (Cheeto-face) Beck's example, and rebrand herself as 100% pro-Trump. On the other hand, maybe that's just what someone was afraid she'd do, so that someone, also feeling neglected lately, tried to keep Ann solidly in his own camp with a little remunerative motivation.

07:17 EST
     Tthe Book of Mormon points out something that no other book of scripture does, and that is that it's the wicked who punish the wicked, God just shuts them out of heaven ... together ... where they have at each other with wild abandon.
     But notice the erasure process, too. "It will be like you never existed." What happens to the wicked? The righteous forget all about them. Revelation says that Christ will dry every tear, and there's only one way that can happen. No, I'm not saying Christ, or we, erase them. I'm saying that the wicked erase one another, erase themselves, just as the Jaredites, destroyed by the hand of God, actually killed one another off... with wild abandon. Recall also that this is the very thing that the wicked so often desire: To just disappear like they never lived at all. But they should be so lucky. Outer darkness, void of any solid footing, is pretty clearly no place anyone would ever want to be.
     Hmmm... Now where have I heard that before?

~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~