Friday, 12 July 2019

(It's Fand's day!)


     * The Satanic Panic of the 1980s now appears to have been based on actual events, BUT was deliberately over-hyped in order to turn the whole thing into 'the boy who cried wolf', and that so that later, even more shocking news would go largely ignored by the masses as just so much more Satanic Panic, false memories, and fake news.
       (Remember folks, the C_A has spent decades mastering such mass brain-washing.)
     * Practically ever child-oriented institution, such as Nikolodeon TV, was either founded by, or infiltrated and corrupted by pedophiles, like Dan Schneider.
     * Corey Feldman was right.
     * Jeffrey Epstein's financier, Les Wexler, yet another supposedly self-made man, founder of a number of famous women's fashion brands/stores, turns out to actually be Mossad-made, like Alex Jones. If true, that raises suspicions that Epstein was, too.
       (Don't be fooled: Mossad is no more 'Israel' than the C_A is 'US'.)
     * California Democratic booster, Ed Buck, is an outright pervert, and is undoubtably guilty of multiple manslaughter. Expect to hear his name a lot more.


     Lionel is right, and I was wrong; It's not the college admissions scandal what will eventually engulf the left, but rather the Epstein/NXIVM scandals. And this pebble in their shoe is already tumbling into an avalanche.

     One wonders whether this will eventually tie into the college admissions scandal, too.

Lehman Bros. 2.0?

     Dave over at X22 Report was right about this: The globalists needed their house of cards to stand just long enough for Hillary to seal our doom, and so they could pull off a controlled crash. But Trump has stoked the boilers, accelerating the economy, entirely against their wishes. This is not sustainable *in their paradigm*.
     "I canna hold 'er together Cap'n! She's gonna blow. We have to pull in to port to make repairs."
     It's going to collapse, which is what they planned, but they planned on a controlled collapse; tax-payer bailouts, higher interest rates, writing off debts, that kind of thing. What Trump is doing is essentially crying, "LAND HO!", before the pirates can scuttle the ship just to cover the fact that they already plundered the hold.
     Now, what do they do? They have no standing to scuttle the ship. Everyone would blame them. But they can't let it get into port either. Everyone would find that the hold is empty. All they can do is run it aground. And, by that, I mean full speed ahead. Go ahead and cut interest rates, loosen loan qualifications, and buy debt. It's the Cloward-Piven Strategy in reverse. And I just heard that they're cutting interest rates. They're already at negative interest in Europe. If it goes negative here, I give them three years before they have to shut it down, and admit that they're bankrupt. Deutsche Bank is already faltering.
     But, just as they try to blame it on Trump, and ask for permission to print more money, he'll say, "WHAT?! You can't just print more money! Is that what you've been doing all this time? Lemme see your books!" The very thing Ron and Rand Paul have been screaming for for decades.
     That's when the ship hits the sand.
     "Gold destroys the Fed." Q

Something's going on

     I'm sure I've mentioned how much time I spend on our bike paths. All of them. The Monon Trail, White River Trail, Cultural Trail, Harrison Park Trail, Eagle Creek Greenway, Fall Creek Trail, and any other trail that looks safe enough to ride, I ride it. And I've been doing this here in Indy for almost four years now. I love it here. Indianapolis is one of the best kept secrets in the country.
     But I'm seeing some things this year that I've never seen here before. Or anywhere else for that matter. Down on the White River Trail, near the Zoo, just south of W. Washington St., there's a shanty-town of tents and trash. There's an even bigger one between I70 and W. Morris St.
     Worse, still, are the hobos I'm seeing now. They're always on the south Monon Trail, between 10th St. and Kessler Blvd. E., and usually in pairs, though I've seen them alone or in small groups. They're always carrying water, wearing backpacks, and always headed north. I overheard a few talking amonst themselves near Sutherland Ave., and, although they were trying to speak quietly, I clearly heard some east-African language. It sure wasn't English.
     Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention: They always look Ethiopian or Somalian.
     Where are they coming from?
     Where are they going to?
     Why are they here?
     And where did they get the maps I see them studying?


~~ Marcus Aurelius ~~